What is the movie queen of katwe about
What is the movie queen of katwe about

what is the movie queen of katwe about

It was just very powerful and moving to me. “Before we started the movie, this album had been put together of the real people, the real Robert, the real children, and as I flicked through it I saw this image of Robert in a prayer circle with all these kids. “What I love about that scene is it was very spontaneous, it wasn't scripted,” Mr. Oyelowo huddles together with his ragtag team and leads the group of Katwe children in praying the Our Father. The scene takes place moments before a chess tournament at an elite school. Oyelowo’s favorite scenes in “Queen of Katwe” was unscripted.

what is the movie queen of katwe about

Oyelowo cites Katende, who has devoted his life to giving others the help that he didn’t receive as a poor orphan in Uganda, for teaching him “the truth of self-sacrifice.” Their relationship is one of real admiration. He faced a challenge in finding the dark side of his character, whom he describes as “a saint of a human being.” Katende himself was on set each day of filming, serving as a consultant to his counterpart. “As an actor, what enables you to bring complexities to the character are the dark and light,” Mr. This man, who could have had a prosperous career, chose to serve the poor children of Uganda. Katende, who studied to become an engineer, struggles throughout the film with a call to serve. The opportunity to portray Robert Katende especially attracted Mr.

what is the movie queen of katwe about

“To not only see that, but also to see a black man who is happily married with kids of his own taking other kids under his wing, and in particular nurturing the talents of this young girl-there were just so many things that I found beautiful about this story.” There's a lot of self-sufficiency that takes place in Africa,” Mr. “I know, for a fact, having lived several years of my life in Africa, in Nigeria specifically, but having been all around Africa making films, that there is a lot of self possession. “Queen of Katwe” captures this important sense of self possession. As someone who is proud of his own Nigerian heritage, he was encouraged and happy to see a life-affirming film set in Africa with African characters, as oftentimes films of this nature depict help coming from outside rather than within the society depicted. Initially, the great story-as well as the prospect of working with Ms. It’s a very humbling thing to be around.” This, he elaborates, “is something that in the West, we categorically don't have, considering how much we have. Oyelowo found most extraordinary was the joy in people despite their poverty. As it is in most countries you have both. “It was so wonderful for me to go back to Uganda and to be telling a story that doesn't shy away from the poverty that is very much a part of Ugandan life. He remembers filming a very different side of history from the contemporary story in “Queen of Katwe.” Oyelowo spent time in Uganda filming “The Last King of Scotland,” a drama about the dictator Idi Amin. “Queen of Katwe” was filmed almost entirely in Uganda. We talked to David Oyelowo about his experiences of faith and filming “Queen of Katwe.” The film features powerful performances by the entire cast, including Lupita Nyong’o, who plays Phiona’s mother her character’s fervent devotion to protecting and supporting her children is palpable throughout the film. Katende works for a sports ministry program in Katwe, a dangerous section of Uganda’s capital, providing extracurricular activities for children who cannot afford the lessons, children like Phiona, who is one of four to a widowed mother. The film is based on the true story of a Ugandan girl, Phiona Mutesi, who discovers and develops a gift for chess with the help of her coach, Robert Katende, played by Mr. Oyelowo to his role in one of his recent films, “Queen of Katwe.” The self-sacrifice of an individual and the self-possession of a community drew Mr. Oyelowo’s discipline has paid off, and now he is able to focus on films demonstrating the themes that are most important to him. And what’s really nice is that it’s starting to work.” Four years ago, before his breakout role in “Selma,” David Oyelowo told BET, “I turned down a lot of easier opportunities in order to go for the things that I really and ultimately wanted to do.

What is the movie queen of katwe about